Please read our COVID statement

12pm Thursday 30th December –  5pm sunday 2nd January

“We just want to fucking celebrate people.” – Dharma 4th December 2021


Acknowledgement of Country

This event takes place on the traditional land of the Kolakgnat people of the Gulidjan Nation. Land that was never ceded. We recognise their ongoing connection to the lands and waters. And the profound importance of their culture and dreaming, which has spanned tens of thousands of years. We pay respects to their elders, past present and emerging. We also recognise that any talk of climate justice must include First Nations Peoples justice.

Once upon a time...

"In a galaxy in the middle of fucking nowhere we decided to try and have a party like we knew we wanted to. Half party, half social experiment, half hopelessly romantic utopian fantasy, half hedonistic debauchery, half art, half arsed and half crazy ethereal dream. At least we got to get out of Dodge while Melbourne burned in it's own hubris."
Dharma & simon

the great rumpus

Dear Friends,

The Wolfgang have asked us to create a Dharma & Simon Presents event to cross the NYE threshold. So this is it. The Great Rumpus. A private invite iteration of our micro festival community gatherings.

Let’s dance, let’s make art, let’s stomp and grind and gnash our teeth. Let’s be like the Wild Things and bare our claws and roar. Let’s art and sport and play and make and create. Let us be and see and touch and feel. Let us come together and soothe the collective wounding borne of our time apart. 

Let The Great Rumpus begin.

We’ll have activities and we invite you to get in touch with us about what you might like to offer as well. In that way this is somewhat of a co-creation.

Please reach out to us here: 

Music will be a focus, and dancing. And all the things. Everyone invited to this event has been to a previous iteration. So given we’re preaching to the converted we’ll keep the preaching to a minimum.

We aim to create no waste, cause no harm. So take your rubbish away with you and use it as an opportunity to see how light your footprint can be.

Let your campsite be an experiment in artful sustainability.

Create beauty. Care, share, be wild.




At this party everyone is contributing in one way or another. For some it will simply be as an enthusiastic participant. For others it will be the contribution of an activity, energy, art or item of interest.

No-one is being paid and everyone is paying something. 

We suggest everyone pay at least the base ticket price because that will go toward the venue and the costs of the event. Then make your choice based on what you’ll be providing in other ways and what you can afford.

Every bit extra will go to ensuring we’re not penny pinching and Dharma & Simon are not out of pocket.

So, first introduced at Staggeringly Beautiful 2019 is our scaled ticket pricing, based not on arbitrary factors like ‘getting in first,’ or having ‘ industry’ affiliation, but based on what you can reasonably afford and to what extent you’d like to contribute.

The novelty is the invitation to make these choices for yourself without us officiating the legitimacy of your choice.

I am seriously broke, but I do have some time and energy that I can contribute to the event and or Wolfgangs. I can commit to helping out before or after the event and I’m reliable enough to commit to this when I say I will. It’s not a financial contribution but I can help out for at least 5 hours by doing any of the following:
  • Clean up
  • Wolfgangs garden upkeep
  • Odd tasks for Wolfgangs
  • Miscellaneous party stuff that may crop up
If you’d like to select this ticket please EMAIL Dharma & Simon Presents and we’ll take it from there.

To purchase your ticket this year please use the Ticketing feature below. 

You can choose to pay directly into our account or choose the credit/debit card option through the Square payment system. If you choose credit card there will be a $2 fee applied. 

 And we will send you your ticket/s once we receive the payment notification.

Part 1. Event Facilities

  • Camping – A plethora of options from:
    •  The Orchard of Elfin Nooks at the front,
    • The Fae Forest Fringe at the right side,
    • The Field of Dreams at the left side,
    • The Heights at the back and
    • The Grasslands of Grandeur at Lakeside at the back and down the hill (the quietest area for those who are family oriented & or noise averse)

  • 2 Toilet Temples -At the front of the main building, and down by the lake, these compostable drop toilets use the same system devised by Folk Rhythm & Life Festival, a locally designed ecologically friendly system that turns our human waste into bio-available compost. They are comfortable, private and if EVERYONE puts a double hand-full of sawdust on top of their deposit, the whole thing remains clean, benign on the nose and an opportunity for quiet repose and gentle reflection, whilst you judge the shit out of the things written on the walls.


The Great Rumpus, will once again be situated over the grounds of Wolfgangs Palace, just west of Colac, 2.5 hours from Melbourne. The grounds offer:

  • Shower Sanctuary – NEW THIS YEAR: HOT WATER – freely available for everyone to use, what? No tokens? No rigmarole? Yes to all of that. One shower is in a little shed and offers privacy, the other is above the world renowned and epically majestic Star Bath (see below).

  • Star Bath & Shower -In the open air beside the Shower Block, and replete with it’s own shower (cold) is the world renowned & epically majestic bush bath.

  • Star Kitchenelle -Auxillary Kitchenelle for everyone. 
  • NEW THIS YEAR – All are welcome to use The Main Kitchen. Feel free to get involved & heat up or cook what you need to.

Part 2. Event Activities

This list will be growing in the lead up to the event

If you've got something let us know by clicking the button:

  1. Communal Feast – preferably plant based – this will occur on the night of Thursday 30th – Please bring a dish to share. We will be providing a bunch of things but this feast works best when everyone participates. We will be seated together at one massive long table, it’s very Arthurian except it’s not round and Dharma and Simon are the Dancing Queens at the head.
  2. Vast collection of incredible DJ’s and Producers playing for love (updated list below)
  3. Volley Ball teams challenge organised by Star Sign elements
  4. Victorian Warm Climate Curling Team tryouts. Note, due to melting ice this event has been merged with Lawn Bowls.
  5. Flying Disc Skill Shots Open and Public Invitational Classic.
  6. Disc Golf Minis
  7. Wolfgangs Palace Orienteering Challenge. 
  8. Community Short film Screening. We are officially receiving submissions from our community. Please send your offerings to:
  9. The triumphant return of the Wolfgangs Palace Costume Room (back by popular demand). Fast track to exorcising demons of the past and awakening possibilities for future self. Save yourself thousands in lifetime therapy costs. Including:
    • Dream in the Future Costume Calendar 2022 photo shoot – Dress up as your fantasy future self and bring it forth. Take your place in the calendar for immediate 2022 release. 
  10. Introducing: Miss Fortunes Fiction Predictions. Tarot Hazzard card reading in the Mis-information booth
  11. Wild Thing Tail Making Station. Tail creation and installation.
  12. Yoga – no clever remark for your mind, but your body will be stretched. Oh there you go.

Whilst we choose to care about the neighbours of Wolfgangs and thereby don’t want to dominate their lives for three days we do also care about having AMAZING AUDIO – So to that end we’re very pleased to advise we’ve once again engaged the services of Dr.Ishtar and his Function One Doomsday PA> hence we’ll have the beautiful humming quad array set up and maintained for quality assurance purposes by the evil professor himself.

We will have 2 bespoke sound environments.

  1. One indoors for night time, which due to popular complaint won’t be like a Berghain basement abyss (as in 2019), instead it will be dominated by the prismatic, planetary orbiting mirror ball system born of the Mandelbrot mind of JonFun. Thereby shooting lasers and fae spells throughout the chamber.
  2. One outdoors, the much loved eastern wing garden of delight, complete with all the fun of dj’s melting down in the cutaway water tank.

Recent additions to the music lineup:

      • Andrew Till (back above popular demand)
      • Popular Demand
      • Quale (complete with the little flourish above the ‘e’)
      • Stuttgart
      • Emmymaie
      • Mij
      • Lil’ Stormer
      • Enclave
      • Ranjit Nijjer
      • Candice Lemaitre
      • Simon Slieker and friends
      • Mac Compatible
      • Absent Friend
      • Nana Damage (despite popular outcry)
      • Brendan Armstrong
      • Nuwinski
    • If you are a dj and your name is Consoles, Shaun Mac, or any other thing don’t forget to read your emails and advise the curators of your intentions. Or use a button.

The Great rumpus 2022

The Great Rumpus Ticket

This Post Has 16 Comments

    1. Sophie Corbett

      I will be there with multiple sparkly bells on!! And I will buy a ticket after my next paycheck!!

  1. simon.slieker

    This micro-rave sounds amazing. I’m going to visit.

  2. Isabel

    faint font not for the feint hearted
    what about the crapaoke?

    1. simon.slieker

      We’ll have to live with the faint font. And we’ll probably have to live with crapaoke as well. We usually do.

      1. Rohxx

        I dare say there shall be some ear bleedingly bad renditions of all your favourite hits 🙂

  3. Rohxx

    Hellooooo-o-o-o-o-o-o-! I am your Echo-o-oo-o-o-o-o-oo-…

  4. T-slam

    Are blowing from the city welcomes late on NYE? Keen to revel in 2022 with y’all as my dancing success rate in 2021 was low… start as you mean to carry on 🙂

    1. simon.slieker

      Absolutely. You’re welcome to blow in anytime. xxx

  5. Sal Stormer

    So Looking forward to dancing and shenanigans with y’all.

  6. Nuwi

    Great to be back, what better way is there to catch up with friends after 2 years of not seeing anyone. Yes two years. look forward to seeing you all.

  7. Matksi

    Holy freakin’ Jeebus! You people are doing the lords work for putting this on after a two year covid-fk’ed hiatus. Can’t wait to share the love and get messy with yas xxoo

  8. Wazza

    Hey Simon, if you remember me, it’s Wazza. I used to live near Heath in Richmond in early 00s. Looks like I’m heading in Friday morning as I got a new kitten so gotta feed him then head in. Living in Geelong now,do it’s a easy drive for me.

  9. Candice

    hello! If anyone has any footage of the party, would you mind sending them to me at I didn’t take any photo/video and would like to have some memories 🙂

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