Pricing & availability

The Feldenkrais Method is such a valuable resource I feel it should be available to everyone. Yet cost is often prohibitive which makes this kind of modality socially exclusive. I have spent large swathes of my life as a single parent, self-employed, unemployed and as a student. For this reason I have a 3 tier pricing structure that takes socio-economic & cultural factors into account. As a particular sub-set I extend these classes to people taking up direct action for climate justice and to First Nations justice (see below).
Climate Emergency:

I recognise the fact that we are currently facing existential threat through global warming, the earth is already too hot and we are running out of time. Some groups have risen up to demand Governments of the world acknowledge the threat and take immediate action. People working to agitate for this change are staring down the pain & fear of this reality on a daily basis. And struggling to reconcile this reality with the prevailing “situation normal”, “there’s nothing to see here” narrative of our society. In recognition of the need for us to take our hearts and healing seriously, and in the name of regenerative culture, I offer my classes & sessions to the agitators of change as a priority and as a service. If you are working in any of the groups agitating for First Nations Justice or Climate Justice and taking non-violent direct action for the cause of our survival I offer these classes to you at the Concession Rate in honour of your heart and personal regeneration.

First Nations People:
I live and operate my business of the un-ceded lands of the Gadubanud people of the Easter Maar Nation here in south west Victoria. The history of eradication and slaughter of First Nations people is Australia is horrendous and particularly dark in the Otways where I live. As part of acknowledging this dark past and the unresolved and imperfect present I offer a straight up Concession rate to First Nations people of Australia and the Torres Straight Islands. 

I also choose to Pay the Rent. Paying the Rent is about non-Indigenous people honouring the Sovereignty of Aboriginal people; it is a somewhat more just way of living on this stolen land. Please consider this and check out their website.

pat the rent logo

If you qualify for a Reduced or Concession rate please indicate this when you enquire.

Full price: for people who are regularly employed or otherwise financially supported.
• $15 per class

• $60 for 5 classes

Reduced rate: for people with a reduced earning capacity like single parents who have work, people in part time work etc…
• $12 per class
• $60 for 5 Class Pass
Concession Rate: substantially discounted for unemployed, non-working parents, students and those receiving Centrelink benefits. Concession rate includes Climate Action Rate and First Nations Peoples rate.
• $10 per class
• $40 for 5 Class Pass
Free ATM classes for FI clients
In recognition of how well FI and ATM go together, Functional Integration clients can come to my Awareness Through Movement classes free of charge.

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First consultation is 1 hour. Subsequent sessions are 45 minutes. 

Standard rate: $100 per session.
or people who are regularly employed or otherwise financially supported.

Reduced rate: $80 per session. 
For people with a reduced earning capacity like single parents who have work, people in part time work etc…

Concession Rate: $60 per session.
Substantially discounted for unemployed, non-working parents, students and those receiving Centrelink benefits. Concession rate includes Climate Action Rate and First Nations Peoples rate.

Locations and availability

9am-6pm Monday-Friday

Other days and times are available by arrangement.

Home visits available all days.

Free ATM classes for FI clients
In recognition of how well FI and ATM go together, Functional Integration clients can come to my Awareness Through Movement classes free of charge.*
*Does not apply where 2 For 1 offer is in use.

Book a Functional Integration

Home visits offer the convenience of having a professional session in you own home or workplace.

First consultation is 1 hour. Subsequent sessions are 45 minutes. 

Standard rate: $180 per session.
or people who are regularly employed or otherwise financially supported.

Reduced rate: $150 per session. 
For people with a reduced earning capacity like single parents who have work, people in part time work etc…

Concession Rate: $100 per session.
Substantially discounted for unemployed, non-working parents, students and those receiving Centrelink benefits. Concession rate includes Climate Action Rate and First Nations Peoples rate.

Locations and availability

9am-6pm Monday-Friday

Other days and times are available by arrangement.

Home visits available all days.

Free ATM classes for FI clients
In recognition of how well FI and ATM go together, Functional Integration clients can come to my Awareness Through Movement classes free of charge.*
*Does not apply where 2 For 1 offer is in use.

A sensitive approach to investigate and explore movement possibilities and create options for people with Parkinsons. 

Home visits offer the convenience of having a professional session in your own home or workplace.

Home visits require space for a Feldenkrais treatment table.

Each visit is 1 hour & includes a written synopsis of the work conducted in the session.

$240 per visit


This is a service I offer musicians & artists who are experiencing discomfort, strain or imposing stresses in their work & performance.

I have worked in the music industry for 25 years as a DJ and producer and creative professional chained to a desk, so I have a particular insight into the life and the pitfalls.

  • I attend your workplace or studio to observe your set up and how you navigate your work environment
  • I attend a gig or show to see you in performance mode as different stresses & behaviours arise
  • And finally I offer 3 Functional Integration sessions to work with what I have observed and assist you  to find ease & comfort to do what you love.

Standard rate: $500

Request a call

If you would like to book a Functional Integration session please hit the button below and I will respond to you.