Awareness Through Movement®
Weekly Awareness Through Movement class
Tuesdays 6.30pm - 7.30pm
At Lavers Hill Hall
43-47 Great Ocean Road
The Feldenkrais Method® of Awareness Through Movement®
Awareness Through Movement Classes are easy to follow movement sequences lead by spoken word cues and prompts from a Feldenkrais Practitioner. The participant doesn’t know where the movement is headed or what it “should” look like, which opens an avenue to experience unconscious movement habits and bring them into awareness. Bringing awareness to movement creates vast possibilities not only in alleviating stress and strain, but in improving the very experience of comfort and fluidity in your body.
Moshe Feldenkrais famously said:
“If you know what you are doing, you can do whatever you want.”
We want to create the ability to observe the habitual. To catch ourselves in “the act”, which put more precisely, is catching ourselves in the very small but vast space between “the act” and the intention to act. This is the key to unlocking unconscious habits so we may observe, unpack, adapt and adopt.
Through making distinctions for yourself you are able to put together a clear image of the movement, to engage in it to your best advantage. And so a picture is formed, an enhanced self image that is able to be brought into action.

All levels of fitness are catered for. Most injuries, ailments and physical conditions can also be catered for. If in doubt please contact Simon.
First class is FREE
$15 Full fee – $10 Concession – $100 for 10 classes (can be used non-sequentially and do not expire)
Simply come to the Hall, there’s no need to book.
Tickets can be purchased in advance HERE or paid for by cash or card at the Hall.