Eco-Somatica is a tailored experience that incorporates key tenets of the Feldenkrais Method and expands them into a process involving sound, rhythm and movement to raise awareness of self and the eocological ‘whole’.
It is a regenerative moment for hearts, minds & bodies dealing with climate crisis overwhelm.
ECO-SOMATICA at Sydney Opera House, Centre for Creativity
In this workshop our bodies, and in particular our movement is the way in, it is the tangible method of illustration and exploration of wider ideas about our place in our environment.
Premise: If we feel a deep connection to ground, we are able to soften. Our contact is more sensitive and our touch lighter. We know when we touch down and we are quick to adjust. Once we find this softness our central nervous system will spread it through our entire selves. Connection and differentiation are available to us in equal measure. And with them, comes a sense of safety and trust.
Essence: Eco-Somatica has an ecological focus. It uses somatic experiencing to process the human spectrum of feelings that come up in response to existential threat: grief, anger, disbelief, overwhelm, despair. How is it to be human in an ecological crisis? How do we stay in touch with ourselves and the Earth?
Grounding ourselves through contact with the floor, the pulsing rhythm of bass and drums and through simple somatic sequences of movement, we gently unfold.
Format: there are elements of Awareness Through Movement, gentle movement in a lying position. There are elements of dialogue to experience the self with others. And there is the use of music and tones to vibrate the room and the cells of ones being.
I weave this together using my experience as a Somatic Educator, Feldenkrais Practitioner and music journey provider.
“I developed Eco-Somatica in response to the growing sense of urgency that I needed to do more in response to the climate crisis.
“It combines ideas I developed in Sound Journeys and Walk of the Drum, two other awareness building workshops that utilise sound, rhythm and movement.
“Eco-Somatica is the most up to date composite of my life experience in movement, audio, dj’ing, event production and somatic education.”
Simon Slieker