About me

I find in movement a poetry of it’s own devising. There is art to how we move and I have spent my life exploring it’s textures. Through sport, dance, martial arts, bio-mechanics and the Feldenkrais Method I have enjoyed a soft pursuit of quality movement.
What I have come to understand is that the answer to how we may best compose ourselves is as distinct and unique as each person is different. There is no one size, one pattern, one solution or answer; there are myriad ways to move and a million answers to as many questions. What matters is feeling, relating and interacting through touch and feedback, and together, practitioner and student explore habitual movement patterns to reveal new options leading to ease, grace and freedom.
I am a Certified Feldenkrais Practioner graduate of the exhaustive 4 year International Feldenkrais Federation training. I offer workshops, classes and one on one sessions. The purpose and intention is consistent: to assist people into a greater sense of feeling, sensing and knowing themselves through movement. In short to create the conditions to grow self-awareness.
I offer workshops and classes in Awareness Through Movement and one on one sessions of Functional Integration. The intention is consistent: to assist people into feeling, sensing and knowing themselves through movement. In short to create the conditions to facilitate greater awareness of self.