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It's not business as usual...

In grappling with the relevance of running a private practice in the face of an ecological breakdown I’ve re-defined my work looking through the lens of how I can assist people to adjust to the myriad demands of a climate crisis.

My work explicitly deals with the human response to these issues. Feldenkrais principals are enormously helpful in speaking to bodies, hearts and minds in stress and distress. 

My Services:

As a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner much of my work is defined by incredible depth of The Feldenkrais Method, a unique system of mind-body education and learning.

Eco-Somatica is a workshop series that incorporates key tenets of the Feldenkrais Method and expands them into a process involving sound, rhythm and movement to raise awareness of self as part of an ecological ‘whole’. It is a regenerative moment for hearts, minds & bodies dealing with climate crisis overwhelm.

Eco-Somatica is being featured at Sydney Opera House Centre for Creativity, 18th June 2021.

Functional Integration one on one work covers moving efficiently and getting the most out of ourselves. I go about it now with a view to a compassionate exploration of the human response to wider ecological issues. How do stress and hard to access emotional undercurrents affect our bodies and movement patterns? How can I support another to find the softness in muscle and movement to enable a sense of safety and trust in oneself?
Awareness Through Movement classes address core Feldenkrais concepts and  zero in on connection to ground. We may say that how we embody that connection is a measure of how ‘grounded’ we truly are.